We believe that changing the way we produce and distribute food is fundamental to solving the world’s most pressing social and ecological problems.
We are here to connect local producers and provide Bristol residents with an affordable, clean alternative to supermarket shopping.
Choosing to eat locally/organically means you are not only giving your body the best quality nutrition, but you are also giving back to the environment though supporting organic agriculture. Conventional farming uses a range of dangerous chemicals that run off and pollute the water table further contaminating our precious ecosystems.
Our mission is simple: support the local/organic community – through making good relations we are proud to share with you our selection of locally grown vegetables, veg that we are meant to eat with the seasons for optimal health!
We pay our suppliers at least 50% of the retail value for any products we buy in, and when dealing with wholesalers, we check to make sure they pay fair prices to their growers.
Local food supports local economies. Food grown in the local community supports local jobs and encourages variety in our diets. It also requires less transportation, so it's fresher and has a smaller environmental footprint.
We love our weekly deliveries from BVB. It keeps our health in check and feeling good about where our food comes from. Recycled boxes & biodegradable bags are a huge bonus!
Your first box is only a few clicks away. Get a box of fresh, local food in your kitchen soon, packed with care and supporting your local farmers and artisan producers.